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As of 10:58 PM (update)
Route 927-Highway 27 Express
12 min—North - 927b Highway 27 Express towards Steeles via Humber College
21 min—North - 927b Highway 27 Express towards Steeles via Humber College
34 min—North - 927b Highway 27 Express towards Steeles via Humber College
46 min—North - 927b Highway 27 Express towards Steeles via Humber College
58 min—North - 927b Highway 27 Express towards Steeles via Humber College
Route 96-Wilson
9 min—West - 96a Wilson towards Carrier Dr via Kipling and John Garland
27 min—West - 96a Wilson towards Carrier Dr via Kipling and John Garland
48 min—West - 96a Wilson towards Carrier Dr via Kipling and John Garland