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As of 09:00 AM (update)
Route 73-Royal York
From the Toronto TTC: "TTC Information 416-393-4636 (INFO)"
12 min—North - 73c Royal York towards Claireport via Albion Rd
14 min—North - 73d Royal York towards Albion Rd
Route 89-Weston
From the Toronto TTC: "TTC Information 416-393-4636 (INFO)"
12 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd
23 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd
31 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd
41 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd
51 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd
Route 989-Weston Express
From the Toronto TTC: "TTC Information 416-393-4636 (INFO)"
15 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles
27 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles