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As of 03:41 PM (update)
Route 112-West Mall
10 min—North - 112b West Mall towards Renforth Station
22 min—North - 112c West Mall towards Disco Rd via Renforth Station
33 min—North - 112b West Mall towards Renforth Station
46 min—North - 112c West Mall towards Disco Rd via Renforth Station
70 min—North - 112c West Mall towards Disco Rd via Renforth Station
Route 111-East Mall
11 min—North - 111 East Mall towards Eglinton
23 min—North - 111 East Mall towards Eglinton
35 min—North - 111 East Mall towards Eglinton
47 min—North - 111 East Mall towards Eglinton
59 min—North - 111 East Mall towards Eglinton
Route 123-Sherway
1 min—South - 123f Sherway towards Sherway Mall via West Mall
5 min—South - 123c Sherway towards Long Branch via Shorncliffe and North Queen
9 min—South - 123d Sherway towards Sherway Mall via Shorncliffe and East Mall
20 min—South - 123c Sherway towards Long Branch via Shorncliffe and North Queen
24 min—South - 123f Sherway towards Sherway Mall via West Mall
24 min—South - 123d Sherway towards Sherway Mall via Shorncliffe and East Mall
35 min—South - 123c Sherway towards Long Branch via Shorncliffe and North Queen
39 min—South - 123d Sherway towards Sherway Mall via Shorncliffe and East Mall
44 min—South - 123f Sherway towards Sherway Mall via West Mall
50 min—South - 123c Sherway towards Long Branch via Shorncliffe and North Queen
54 min—South - 123d Sherway towards Sherway Mall via Shorncliffe and East Mall
65 min—South - 123c Sherway towards Long Branch via Shorncliffe and North Queen