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< Back to 968-Warden Express

As of 03:40 PM (update)

Route 968-Warden Express

3 min—South - 968 Warden Express towards Warden Station (#3293)
25 min—South - 968 Warden Express towards Warden Station (#3286)
45 min—South - 968 Warden Express towards Warden Station (#3300)

Route 68-Warden

9 min—South - 68 Warden towards Warden Station (#3101)
14 min—South - 68 Warden towards Warden Station (#3276)
26 min—South - 68 Warden towards Warden Station (#9236)
32 min—South - 68 Warden towards Warden Station (#9219)
43 min—South - 68 Warden towards Warden Station (#3248)