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< Back to 944-Kipling South Express

As of 10:31 AM (update)

Route 944-Kipling South Express

4 min—North - 944 Kipling South Express towards Kipling Station (#8157)
17 min—North - 944 Kipling South Express towards Kipling Station (#8170)
30 min—North - 944 Kipling South Express towards Kipling Station (#3322)
43 min—North - 944 Kipling South Express towards Kipling Station (#8157)
56 min—North - 944 Kipling South Express towards Kipling Station (#8170)

Route 44-Kipling South

4 min—North - 44 Kipling South towards Kipling Station (#8085)
11 min—North - 44 Kipling South towards Kipling Station (#8076)
19 min—North - 44 Kipling South towards Kipling Station (#8063)
26 min—North - 44 Kipling South towards Kipling Station (#8179)
34 min—North - 44 Kipling South towards Kipling Station (#3326)