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< Back to 90-Vaughan

As of 10:21 AM (update)

Route 90-Vaughan

4 min—North - 90c Vaughan towards Oakwood (#7122)
14 min—North - 90c Vaughan towards Oakwood (#3511)
24 min—North - 90c Vaughan towards Oakwood (#8353)
34 min—North - 90c Vaughan towards Oakwood (#7020)
44 min—North - 90c Vaughan towards Oakwood (#7014)

Route 7-Bathurst

8 min—North - 7 Bathurst towards Steeles (#9007)
24 min—North - 7s Bathurst towards Wilson (#9005)
28 min—North - 7 Bathurst towards Steeles (#9015)
38 min—North - 7 Bathurst towards Steeles (#9010)
48 min—North - 7 Bathurst towards Steeles (#9017)
58 min—North - 7 Bathurst towards Steeles (#9011)

Route 307-Bathurst Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.