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< Back to 89-Weston

As of 02:46 PM (update)

Route 89-Weston

7 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#7053)
11 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#8331)
15 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#8365)
24 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#8332)
32 min—North - 89 Weston towards Albion Rd (#3526)

Route 71-Runnymede

4 min—North - 71 Runnymede towards Industry St (#7285)
20 min—North - 71 Runnymede towards Industry St (#7242)
32 min—North - 71 Runnymede towards Industry St (#7282)
42 min—North - 71 Runnymede towards Industry St (#7240)
52 min—North - 71 Runnymede towards Industry St (#7232)

Route 989-Weston Express

44 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles (#3463)
59 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles (#8387)
74 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles (#7064)
85 min—North - 989 Weston Express towards Steeles (#7009)

Route 171-Mount Dennis

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.