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< Back to 89-Weston

As of 08:39 AM (update)

Route 89-Weston

11 min—South - 89 Weston towards Keele Station (#8325)
20 min—South - 89 Weston towards Keele Station (#3455)
29 min—South - 89 Weston towards Keele Station (#8331)
39 min—South - 89 Weston towards Keele Station (#7053)
49 min—South - 89 Weston towards Keele Station (#8365)

Route 73-Royal York

3 min—South - 73 Royal York towards Royal York Station (#8126)
4 min—South - 73 Royal York towards Royal York Station (#8071)
17 min—South - 73 Royal York towards Royal York Station (#8127)
24 min—South - 73 Royal York towards Royal York Station (#8104)
47 min—South - 73 Royal York towards Royal York Station (#8121)