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< Back to 66-Prince Edward

As of 07:52 PM (update)

Route 66-Prince Edward

16 min—North - 66 Prince Edward towards Old Mill Station to Old Mill Station (#3358)
60 min—North - 66 Prince Edward towards Old Mill Station to Old Mill Station (#3325)
82 min—North - 66 Prince Edward towards Old Mill Station to Old Mill Station (#3364)

Route 80-Queensway

7 min—West - 80 Queensway towards Sherway (#8205)
23 min—West - 80 Queensway towards Sherway (#8201)
45 min—West - 80 Queensway towards Sherway (#8209)
67 min—West - 80 Queensway towards Sherway (#3365)
89 min—West - 80 Queensway towards Sherway (#8205)