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< Back to 53-Steeles East

As of 12:56 AM (update)

Route 53-Steeles East

18 min—West - 53 Steeles East towards Finch Station (#3296)
41 min—West - 53 Steeles East towards Finch Station (#3314)
55 min—West - 53 Steeles East towards Finch Station (#9236)

Route 17-Birchmount

20 min—North - 17c Birchmount towards Steeles and Warden (#3110)
46 min—North - 17c Birchmount towards Steeles and Warden (#9220)

Route 353-Steeles Night Bus

79 min—West - 353 Steeles East towards York University (#3284)

Route 953-Steeles East Express

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.