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< Back to 511-Bathurst

As of 01:05 AM (update)

Route 511-Bathurst

3 min—North - 511 Bathurst towards Bathurst Station (#4496)
4 min—North - 511 Bathurst towards Bathurst Station (#4599)
14 min—North - 511 Bathurst towards Bathurst Station (#4530)
24 min—North - 511 Bathurst towards Bathurst Station (#4569)
38 min—North - 511 Bathurst Short Turn towards King (#4477)
49 min—North - 511 Bathurst Short Turn towards King (#4449)

Route 509-Harbourfront

25 min—East - 509 Harbourfront towards Union Station (#4448)
27 min—East - 509 Harbourfront towards Union Station (#4611)
38 min—East - 509 Harbourfront Short Turn towards Bastion/Fleet (#4469)