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< Back to 22-Coxwell

As of 02:28 PM (update)

Route 22-Coxwell

5 min—South - 22 Coxwell towards Queen (#8602)
8 min—South - 22 Coxwell towards Queen (#8517)
10 min—South - 22 Coxwell towards Queen (#8537)
27 min—South - 22 Coxwell towards Queen (#8602)
30 min—South - 22 Coxwell towards Queen (#8517)

Route 31-Greenwood

10 min—South - 31 Greenwood towards Queen & Eastern (#8960)
21 min—South - 31 Greenwood towards Queen & Eastern (#8444)
36 min—South - 31 Greenwood towards Queen & Eastern (#8494)
51 min—South - 31 Greenwood towards Queen & Eastern (#8960)

Route 501-Queen

5 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4580)
22 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4447)
28 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4598)
44 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4463)
46 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4537)

Route 301-Queen

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.