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As of 08:42 AM (update)

Route 12-Kingston Road

6 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#8419)
30 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#8583)
51 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#8472)

Route 86-Scarborough

4 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#3444)
6 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#1231)
16 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#3423)
21 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#1299)
28 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#1614)
34 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#3488)
40 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#1280)
50 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#3466)
70 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#3481)

Route 905-Eglinton East Express

5 min—East - 905a Eglinton East Express towards Conlins via U of T Scarborough (#1663)
18 min—East - 905a Eglinton East Express towards Conlins via U of T Scarborough (#1273)
35 min—East - 905a Eglinton East Express towards Conlins via U of T Scarborough (#1201)
43 min—East - 905a Eglinton East Express towards Conlins via U of T Scarborough (#1218)
59 min—East - 905a Eglinton East Express towards Conlins via U of T Scarborough (#3485)

Route 334-Eglinton East Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.