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< Back to 12-Kingston Road

As of 03:33 PM (update)

Route 12-Kingston Road

1 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#8583)
34 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#8964)
52 min—East - 12d Kingston Rd towards U of T Scarborough (#3712)

Route 86-Scarborough

2 min—East - 86b Scarborough towards Highland Creek (#1231)
5 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#1299)
11 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#3471)
19 min—East - 86b Scarborough towards Highland Creek (#1532)
19 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#3405)
24 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#1614)
31 min—East - 86b Scarborough towards Highland Creek (#3439)
37 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#3488)
46 min—East - 86a Scarborough towards Toronto Zoo (#3466)
53 min—East - 86b Scarborough towards Highland Creek (#3529)
54 min—East - 86d Scarborough towards Beechgrove via Lawrence (#1253)

Route 116-Morningside

0 min—East - 116 Morningside towards Finch and Morningside (#3438)
9 min—East - 116 Morningside towards Finch and Morningside (#3430)
14 min—East - 116 Morningside towards Finch and Morningside (#1249)
24 min—East - 116 Morningside towards Finch and Morningside (#1280)
30 min—East - 116 Morningside towards Finch and Morningside (#1327)

Route 334-Eglinton East Night Bus

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.