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< Back to 111-East Mall

As of 12:56 PM (update)

Route 111-East Mall

11 min—South - 111 East Mall towards Kipling Station (#8190)
26 min—South - 111 East Mall towards Kipling Station (#8086)
44 min—South - 111 East Mall towards Kipling Station (#8122)
58 min—South - 111 East Mall towards Kipling Station (#8111)

Route 112-West Mall

10 min—South - 112 West Mall towards Kipling Station (#8183)
17 min—South - 112 West Mall towards Kipling Station (#8307)
40 min—South - 112 West Mall towards Kipling Station (#8214)
45 min—South - 112 West Mall towards Kipling Station (#3354)

Route 123-Sherway

1 min—North - 123c Sherway towards Kipling Station via North Queen and Shorncliffe (#8163)
9 min—North - 123d Sherway towards Kipling Station via East Mall and Shorncliffe (#8091)
20 min—North - 123c Sherway towards Kipling Station via North Queen and Shorncliffe (#8103)
33 min—North - 123d Sherway towards Kipling Station via East Mall and Shorncliffe (#8177)
44 min—North - 123c Sherway towards Kipling Station via North Queen and Shorncliffe (#8149)
56 min—North - 123d Sherway towards Kipling Station via East Mall and Shorncliffe (#8091)