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As of 03:13 PM (update)

Route 102-Markham Rd.

10 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#1211)
20 min—North - 102d Markham Rd towards Major Mackenzie (#3413)
30 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3421)
40 min—North - 102b Markham Rd towards Steeles (#3438)
50 min—North - 102d Markham Rd towards Major Mackenzie (#3429)

Route 9-Bellamy

5 min—North - 9 Bellamy towards Scarborough Centre (#8440)
6 min—North - 9 Bellamy towards Scarborough Centre (#8515)
7 min—North - 9 Bellamy towards Scarborough Centre (#8541)
23 min—North - 9 Bellamy towards Scarborough Centre (#8438)
41 min—North - 9 Bellamy towards Scarborough Centre (#8501)

Route 16-McCowan

1 min—North - 16 McCowan towards Scarborough Centre (#8449)
10 min—North - 16 McCowan towards Scarborough Centre (#8932)
20 min—North - 16 McCowan towards Scarborough Centre (#8534)
30 min—North - 16 McCowan towards Scarborough Centre (#8546)
40 min—North - 16 McCowan towards Scarborough Centre (#8455)