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As of 04:42 AM (update)

Route 501-Queen

29 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8155)
36 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8138)
44 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8128)
53 min—East - 501d Queen towards Neville Park (#4447)
81 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8160)
89 min—East - 501b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8109)

Route 301-Queen

5 min—East - 301 Queen towards Neville Park via King and Spadina (#4407)
19 min—East - 301b Queen Replacement Bus towards Broadview and Gerrard (#8202)